What exactly does that mean?
To me its the foundation to a well lived in, well loved home. Styling your home in a way that brings you joy because its not only beautiful but its also and most importantly functional.
If you spend some of your day on social media like I do, you are fully aware of how much we are exposed to what I like to call "perceived perfection" or as my husband refers to it.....Insta-sham.
The perfectly styled photos, strategically posted for our viewing pleasure. But wait.....is it for our pleasure? Because I would say that its possibly hurting some of us more than creating happiness. Its actually making some of us feel insecure, inadequate, maybe even like we are a failing in some way by not achieving this "perceived perfection' in our own lives.
I have fallen victim to these feelings at times myself. Even though I am well aware that what I am looking at took this person a lot of time to construct. It can still leave me with feelings of inadequacy or even guilt that I am not providing this same "lifestyle" for my family. Or even, dare I say, I'm jealous because I could never afford this lifestyle. Its sounds ridiculous! We are intelligent people. We are amazing parents and caring friends. We are doing our BEST! Since when was our BEST not enough? Since when did we stop listening to common sense but instead allow ourselves to listen to that little voice inside our heads saying....they are perfect, why aren't you?
I have an Instagram account (in case you didn't know) I post a lot of what I believe to be beautiful images. I also style and restyle my home all the time. Why? It makes me happy! I also style homes for a living and it keeps me creative. For me my home is like my workshop. I'm always trying out new styles because it allows me to see what works best. Then I take a photo and IG it because I am proud of my accomplishments and I want to share them. It also allows me to bring in business to my company and my blog. That's a great thing! That doesn't mean my entire home is perfection.....you can hide a lot in a photo. And did I mention, its my job so I have the time and resources to do this.
I won't lie...my home is pretty clean most of the time. It just is. I stay at home for my work and when I'm not working I'm cleaning. I like to clean. I really do. My family thinks I'm crazy but it makes me feel relaxed. Why fight that? But messes are reality. Does that mean I think people on social media want to see ours...probably not. But if you drop by my house someday then you might.
I love Instagram because it allows me to show my craft. It gives me instant gratification when I want to see a beautiful glossy photo of a well styled room. I get to see all kinds of Mama's loving on their babies in adorable little outfits in perfect rooms. I don't want to see their laundry piled up but I do want to know they are real. Sometimes its not the photo that I love but the words. Yes, the room looks perfect or the baby is snoozing but guess what...it was a mess an hour before this photo and the baby was crying! Sometimes you just need to know what you are seeing is real and sometimes you don't.
But mostly I want to see images of folks living. Living in their homes. Loving each other and celebrating life. Some of those images are a little more perfect then others and that's okay. The best
I love Instagram because it allows me to show my craft. It gives me instant gratification when I want to see a beautiful glossy photo of a well styled room. I get to see all kinds of Mama's loving on their babies in adorable little outfits in perfect rooms. I don't want to see their laundry piled up but I do want to know they are real. Sometimes its not the photo that I love but the words. Yes, the room looks perfect or the baby is snoozing but guess what...it was a mess an hour before this photo and the baby was crying! Sometimes you just need to know what you are seeing is real and sometimes you don't.
But mostly I want to see images of folks living. Living in their homes. Loving each other and celebrating life. Some of those images are a little more perfect then others and that's okay. The best
part of all social media is you get to choose. You get to choose what you see and how it affects you.
This is all leading me up to the reason for this post.
Purpose In Style.
A movement if you will. The goal... to love your home all while living in and sharing it with others. Not seeking "perceived perfection" but reality. The reality that you can have a beautiful home full of beautiful things and still feel comfortable and happy while your kids run around it like crazy, sharpie the walls and pee in places...well, that they just shouldn't.
Purpose In Style.
A movement if you will. The goal... to love your home all while living in and sharing it with others. Not seeking "perceived perfection" but reality. The reality that you can have a beautiful home full of beautiful things and still feel comfortable and happy while your kids run around it like crazy, sharpie the walls and pee in places...well, that they just shouldn't.
Because I'm not the only one craving some reality in this social media world, I have teamed up with some super talented ladies from
We want to get this #purposeinstyle movement going! Let's all live in our uniquely beautiful homes and share all the life that is happening inside of them with everyone!
What is a home without the people inside to love? I feel so grateful for the friendships I have acquired through my Instagram account.
So grateful!
I've never met these women in person but I feel like I know them well through our many conversations outside of Instagram. Instagram has allowed me to be a part of a community that uplifts and supports my achievements. Let's continue this trend by sharing more of what is real.
Not confusing real with ugly but real life happening.
What is a home without the people inside to love? I feel so grateful for the friendships I have acquired through my Instagram account.
So grateful!
I've never met these women in person but I feel like I know them well through our many conversations outside of Instagram. Instagram has allowed me to be a part of a community that uplifts and supports my achievements. Let's continue this trend by sharing more of what is real.
Not confusing real with ugly but real life happening.
I heard something in church this past week and it keeps popping in to my head as I write this.....
We impress others with our strengths but we connect with people through our weaknesses. My goal is to continue to show beautiful images of my home but I will also never stop showing it being lived in.
The photos of my girls dancing in the kitchen or running through the house bare bottomed are my favorite's and the day I allow my "likes" to dictate what I show you all will be the day I need a good slap back to reality!
The photos of my girls dancing in the kitchen or running through the house bare bottomed are my favorite's and the day I allow my "likes" to dictate what I show you all will be the day I need a good slap back to reality!
All of us would like to encourage you to live authentically through your images. Together the hashtag #purposeinstyle was created and you will begin to see it showing up in our feeds. Every week we will choose a favorite image from the #purposeinstyle hashtag and feature it on our blogs every friday. Not only that but every month we will share a round up of our favorites. Let's give each other the permission to be Real. Together lets make a stand to end the Insta-sham and in its place encourage, promote, accept and just plain be real y'all!